Entrance of the Virtual Gallery Space dedicated to the performance works:
Measuring Stick, and
Against the Tide.

Measuring Stick, an outdoor performance in the tidal zone between low and high tides; first performed at Durras Beach NSW South Coast 1981,
then repeated at Glenelg Beach Adelaide South Australia later 1981 for the Adelaide Fringe Festival.

Against the Tide was an interior 'studio' performance; performed first at the RCAE (now CSU) campus Wagga Wagga in 1979,
and repeated 1980 at the Sculpture Centre, Sydney as contribution to the Sydney Biennale satellite events.

Images and notes relating to both below.

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measuring  stick

against the tide

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Measuring Stick





Measuring Stick involved the use of a fibreglass sleeve inserted into the sand just below the high tide level. This sleeve became the resting place for the performer, Arthur Wicks, who was strapped to a wooden "X" structure and lowered into the sand exactly at the low tide point. There he waited for the incoming tide to reach him. This took some six hours, the duration of the performance work.



















Against the Tide


Against the Tide was devised as a performance using an interior space as a foil to the exterior performance of Measuring Stick. After the performer, Arthur Wicks, has identified his space/territory, he positions himself onto a wooden "X" from which point a series of actions are carried out on his body. This parallels what is happening in the tidal zone on the other screen.


    Multiple outdoor projection Albury Art Centre September 2011  








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